Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weekend Kicks::Boy or Girl?


I want to introduce a new feature on freshandfab. "Weekend Kicks". If you have any ideas for next week, hit me up.

I was saving this for next week, but what the hell.


If any of these pictures are you, Im sorry....

P.s (This sheduled post thing is nice,i set all these post yesterday)


  1. The first picture is definitely a man and the second picture a woman. People can say what they want, but men and women still have opposite traits that give clear signs of their sex.

    :::Marcus LANGFORD:::

  2. well, to be true I'm in doubt...
    In the second picture there's some facial hair that seems a moustache growing.
    well I'll try the two boys.


  3. If any of these pictures are you, Im sorry....


    I'm going to take a longshot & say that the 1st person is a woman & the 2nd person is a man. I've actually seen natural born women with mustaches like the one in the 1st picture.

  4. Yeah, i say the first is a man, the second a woman! lol

  5. d first is definitely a man, unless he is one of those unfortunate folks who r both sexes (watched a documentary on it. u've got 2 pity dem, really). d second looks like a woman 2 me. but den u can never know. i've seen transexuals so beautiful, u'd swear he was born a woman

  6. marcus is right...
    **and ur photoshop attempt was good...

  7. okay so the man on top better stop and gain control pronto! he just gots to stop! LMAO

  8. i wanna say that pic 1 is a man and pic2 is a woman
    but in this day and age...
    u never know

  9. The 2nd is definitely a woman...with a mustache!

  10. Isn't the first guy one of those child stars???..

    Think he was in the cosby show...a man of course..

  11. OH, MY EYES!! that first one I cannot take!


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