Monday, May 25, 2009

Another "Single Ladies" Rendition

The Semi Final of "Britian's Got Talent" is taking place throughout all this week, its day 2 today and one of the acts that intrested me was Peter Coghlan. Check out his rendition of Beyonce's "Single Ladies"

*Throughs up and runs to the gym* lol. On a real, he needs to put the belly away and the act was terrible, his audition was better. I'm still waiting for Shaheen


  1. Standtall is sharing a very touching story about her HG experiences on BAMBINA. Next week, Nazzy will be with us. You don't want to miss her. Plus, new contributors are still being sought, so feel free to add your own story. Visit for details on how.

  2. ok I had to stop watching this before I piss on my self...lls


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